Thursday, March 8, 2012

For My Mother

First the Morning Came
billowing the Sails upon
which she Danced, lithe
in Motion twirling
in Synch with her Breathing
this Young Woman
grown in Brooklyn, born
of immigrants
from Palestine, land
of Refugees, her Father
a quiet Carpenter
of gentle Patience and
sure Hand her Mother
teacher and Guide she
aimed at the Stars who
showed her the way into
Medicine healer of
wounds and aches with
a quiet Grace singer of
Gretchen at the spinning Wheel
and the Queen of the Night -- I see
her now in her hospital bed
breathing slowly now
she could not swallow she faded
into death with peace
and gentle forbearance my Mother
who bore me up when I
was down, whose compassion
of great depth
kept me afloat through difficult times, whose
love for me reminded me
of the beauty in the world the
neverending cycle of
birth and demise whose memories
will only grow with
Time this my Mother may
you rest in peace.